The following steps are provided to update HumanManager to accommodate the rules of the Pension Act 2014. A. CONTRIBUTORY PENSION MODULE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED i. For Company Wide Update (i.e. Pension is setup as Company Wide): ...
1. Open Command Prompt (CMD) 2. Enter command IMP and press Enter 3. Enter HumanManager database’s Username and Password 4. Enter N (No) for Import Data Only 5. Enter directory and filename for the import file. e.g. ...
1. Open Command Prompt (CMD) 2. Enter command EXP and press Enter 3. Enter HumanManager database’s Username and Password 4. Press Enter to accept default buffer size 5. Specify directory and filename for the backup file. ...
Follow the steps as mentioned below: 1) Click start and click on internet explorer 2) Hit Alt key on keyboard 3) Click on Tools, internet options 4) Click on security tab 5) Click on Custom level 6) Scroll down ...
CONFIGURATION ON HUMANMANAGER GUI Ensure system email address is inputted for Non-Staff SYS Foundation > System Administration > Authorisation > Define Access Right for Non-Staff Insert SMTP server’s IP Address in Global Processing Rule. Foundation ...
1. On Internet Explorer, go to Tools 2. Click on Compatibility View Settings 3. Click add and tick the Display intranet sites in Compatibility View if it is not already on the 'website you have added to compatibility view' box. ...
This Manual explains the Tax set-up process on HumanManager. Note: All amounts referenced for purpose of freepay, tax law and taxable income algorithm were assumed and do not represent the actual figures in your environment. Five steps to be covered ...
Step 1: Click on foundation Step 2: Select Define Public holiday Step 3: Type in the year you are trying to update the weekend for e.g. 2010 in the filter by year field. Step 4: Click on the “GO” button Step 5: Click on the “ADD NEW RECORD” Step 6: ...
On Allowances: 1. Click on Foundation module 2. Click on System Administration menu 3. Click on Setup 4. Click on Payroll 5. On ‘Select a parameter’ menu. Choose ‘Define Regular Allowance’. 6. Click on each of the allowances and update ‘prorate ...