Step 1: Copy out the transfer–in layout. To do this, click on Foundation Module
Ü Click on System Administration
Ü Select Data take-on
Ü Select the transaction you want to transfer in e.g. Loan.
Ü Select the type of loan transaction you want to pass. Is it an additional Loan or New Loan or Loan Repayment?
Ü To Transfer-in New Loan Application. Click on Loan Application- New Loan. The below screen is displayed.
Ü Copy out all data in the cell by selecting it and press CTRL+C on your Keyboard to copy. Note: Make sure you select all from column A-H as shown below.
Ü Copy out the selected data by pressing ‘Ctrl+C’ or right-click and select ‘Copy ‘as shown above.
Ü Open a new page on Microsoft office Excel.
Step 2: Pasting the copied data.
Ü Paste the copied data on the excel page.
Ü Paste the copied columns (i.e. the first three columns as indicated above) in a new excel page by clicking on paste special instead of the normal paste menu.
You have this:
Ü Select the Transpose Check box and click on the Ok Button. You have this layout on your excel sheet:
Employee Number | * Loan Code | Transaction Period (YYYYMMM) | Loan Amount | Repayment over | Dedn of principal to start in month (YYYYMMM) | Principal Repayment(Mthly) | Pay Thru/Outside Payroll(Y / N) |
Text | Text | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Text |
15 | 5 | 7 | 18 | 4 | 7 | 18 | 1 |
Ü Populate the data required in the layout specified above.
For Example:
Employee Number | * Loan Code | Transaction Period (YYYYMMM) | Loan Amount | Repayment over | Dedn of principal to start in month (YYYYMMM) | Principal Repayment(Mthly) | Pay Thru/Outside Payroll(Y / N) |
Text | Text | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Text |
15 | 5 | 7 | 18 | 4 | 7 | 18 | 1 |
KPMG001 | HOUS | 2010009 | 500000 | 10 | 2010009 | 50000 | Y |
KPMG003 | CAR | 2010009 | 60000 | 12 | 2010010 | 5000 | N |
Ü Please Note:
Loan Code: It is required that loan code and not the loan description be keyed in.
Pay thru payroll/Outside payroll: If set to Yes, this simply indicates that the loan amount to be taken should add up to the staff’s pay for that month. If set to ‘No’ means that a cheque will be issued out.
Ü After populating the excel sheet as indicated above. Delete the first three rows (i.e. the headers).Your excel layout should look like this.
KPMG001 | HOUS | 2010009 | 500000 | 10 | 2010009 | 50000 | Y |
KPMG003 | CAR | 2010009 | 60000 | 12 | 2010010 | 5000 | N |
Ü Save the Excel layout in CSV (Comma Delimited) on your desktop for easy access.
Ü A dialogue box comes up. Click Ok and click on the Yes button.
Step 3: How to import the populated loan layout into HumanManager
Ü Click on Foundation Modules/System administration/ Data take on/ transfer in/Select Loan Application- New Loan/ Click on the browse button/browse to the location where you saved the layout as indicated above e.g. desktop/Select the file/ Click on the Upload button.
Step 4: Run Draft Update
Ü Click on Payroll Module/End of the month run/Period draft run.